135 Joshua M Nkomo Street, Bulawayo

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About Us

Our Mission

To enhance current scope of manufacturing processing by facilitating value addition through automated measurement and control.

About Us

Our mission is what drives us forward, Formed in 2019 by two expert automation engineers Kenburg Private Limited uses its vast experience of over 16 years in the automation business to enhance product quality for all our customers and end users.

We deliver automation turnkey solutions through our experience with versatile automation equipment.

This places us in the seat of real System Integrators, picking the right equipment that has been best innovated for the right application without being hamstrung by brands. We develop our own technology through the best applicable techniques, coding from classic, thru statistical to Artificial Intelligence based process controllers.

Our Objective

To deliver systems that control your different processes and acquire process data for use in the entirety of an enterprise. To determine quality of control through statistical process analysis. This approach identifies non performing sections of the process and their weighted effect on quality thus providing priority based attention lists.





